Saturday 20 February 2016


"Panchakarma is the ultimate mind body detox experience."

In Ayurveda a very beautiful part is panchakarma. Panchakarma is five actions, which help to cleanse your body, mind and soul as well as balance three doshas, strenghten panchamahabhuta, saptadhatu. Pancha means Five and Karma means Action.

These five actions are:
  • Vaman
  • Virechana
  • Basti
  • Nasya
  • Raktamokshan

Benefits of Panchakarma:
  • Vaman (Vomiting): Balancing of Pitta Dosha, Acidic Problems, Blood Purification, Sleeping Problems, Skin Disorders.
  • Virechan (Purgation): Balancing of Kafa, Weightloss, Skin Problems
  • Basti (Internal Cleasing): Releasing Vata (and Pain associated with it), Balance Vata Doshas, Help Skin, Intenstine, Digestion, Blood Circulation, Gastric Problems, Rheumatism, Joint Aches, Muscular Problems, Sexual Problems, Sleeping Problems, Weight Loss.
  • Nasya (Nose Drops): Balancing of Vata, Sleep Disorders, Mental Problems, Migraines, Headaches, Eye Problems, Sinus Problem.
  • Raktamokshan (Use of Leeches): This karma helps to alleviate problems with blood. This karma is rarely performed nowdays.

To know more click here.